Oct 7 2024 /

Asesoría ZPM: niche Spanish firm leveraging an improved client experience to unleash firm growth

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Written by Jeff Nichols
4 Min

Founded: October 2019

Staff: 2

Clients: 200

Location: Madrid, Spain

Services: 100% digital accounting firm specialized in delivery riders

Started using TaxDome: December 2023 

Asesoría ZPM is a dynamic accounting and digital consulting firm based in Madrid, Spain, serving a portfolio of approximately 200 clients. It was established in October 2019 with a dedicated focus on SMEs and self-employed individuals, specializing in the delivery sector, with two members on its team. ZPM Consulting has quickly managed to stand out in the world of accounting by offering personalized digital solutions to meet the specific needs of its niche.

In December 2023, the firm adopted TaxDome to improve its operational efficiency and client experience, streamlining its service delivery in the process.

We sat down with Ana Vargas at Asesoría ZPM, to discuss how TaxDome helped her get Asesoría ZPM on the path to taking on more clients thanks to increased organization and significant time savings.

The challenge: disjointed processes and inefficient communication

Scattered processes

Before integrating TaxDome, Ana struggled with inefficiencies caused by managing their operations across multiple disjointed software tools. She relied on Google Drive for document management, where clients would also have to upload their files, creating a cumbersome workflow. 

As Ana described, “We had folders from clients where they would upload all their files there, and it was quite a bit more complicated.” This setup made it difficult to maintain a cohesive workflow, leading to delays and increased potential for errors. 

The lack of a unified platform also meant that essential tasks, such as invoice management and client communication, were scattered, making it challenging to provide a seamless service to their clients.

We were looking for an application that would allow us to have everything encompassed in one. For example, we wanted an application that could upload the invoices, that they could have all their documents organized, and that they had the communication with us directly.

Did you know? In 2023, firms completed 1.2+ million jobs, securely sent 1+ million emails and chats automatically, got 300k+ proposals and engagement letters signed, and collected $1 billion using TaxDome.

That covers automated tasks, communications, esignatures, and invoice payments all in one platform that firms use worldwide.

Time-consuming client communication

In addition to the fragmented processes, Ana faced significant challenges in maintaining effective communication with clients. With the majority of Asesoría ZPM’s client interactions occurring through WhatsApp, the firm was bogged down by the sheer volume of messages and the need to inform each client individually. This manual communication approach was time-consuming and hindered the firm’s ability to focus on more critical tasks.

We had quite a workload, especially when it came to informing the customers. We always had to do it practically customer by customer, and it took up a lot of our time to do other kinds of work.

Did you know? Poor communication loses businesses nearly 7.5 hours — almost a full business day — per employee each week.

TaxDome provides a full communication ecosystem where all client communications, data, documents, and related tasks are kept in a single source of truth, eliminating wasted time on hunting down scattered emails, documents, and information.

The solution: TaxDome

Consolidated processes

Adopting TaxDome was a game-changer for Asesoría ZPM, significantly simplifying their operations by centralizing all processes on one comprehensive platform. Previously, the firm’s operations were fragmented across multiple tools, leading to inefficiencies and a heavy administrative burden. With TaxDome, all of these processes were seamlessly integrated into a single platform, allowing the team to focus on what truly matters — serving their clients. 

TaxDome has made it easier for us to have less workload in that area so that we can focus on more important ones… It has helped me a lot, the fact of going from having everything scattered to having it all concentrated in one place.

Client mobile app

Another key feature that’s transformed Asesoría ZPM’s operations is TaxDome’s Client mobile app. The  Client mobile app for iOS and Android has been a boon for both the firm and their clients, making document submission and communication more convenient than ever. The app’s user-friendly interface allows clients to easily upload documents and pay invoices directly from their smartphones, making the entire process easier and faster.

It’s amazing, because it’s like maybe they’ll pull out an invoice and then they just scan it or they take a picture and they can upload it directly. I mean, I think it makes their job easier and ours as well. I think it’s a win-win for both of us.

Workflow automations

One of the standout features of TaxDome that has had a significant impact on Asesoría ZPM is the platform’s workflow automations. These automations have revolutionized how the firm manages routine tasks, particularly in client communication. By automating reminders and task management, TaxDome has significantly reduced the manual workload, allowing the team to operate more efficiently.

Now, just with the automations, every month, it’s telling the customer when to upload the invoices. It helps a lot with the load level of the team and it also helps the customer to be more organized in their time.

The automations, I think that’s the strong point [of TaxDome], and I think that’s what any worker in the consulting field would want for their company.

Helpful customer support

Transitioning to a new platform can present challenges, but for Asesoría ZPM, the migration to TaxDome was smooth and hassle-free thanks to TaxDome’s exceptional customer support team.

Moving to the application didn’t really take us, I would say, not even a day… Another of the strengths is also customer service. I think everything has been perfect regarding that aspect. The communication has been very fluid, very direct. The explanations have been very simple, and I think whenever we have needed some help, some support, you have always been there for us.

The results

Thanks to TaxDome’s comprehensive solutions, Asesoría ZPM has achieved significant improvements across the board:

  • Increased time savings

By automating routine tasks and speeding up client communication, Asesoría ZPM has significantly reduced the time spent on time-consuming manual processes.

  • Improved operational efficiency

The centralization of communication and document management on a single platform has eliminated the inefficiencies caused by disjointed tools, resulting in smoother workflows and reduced likelihood of errors.

  • Elevated client experience

With TaxDome’s user-friendly client mobile app, clients can now easily upload documents and communicate with the firm, enhancing their overall experience and making interactions more convenient for everyone.

  • Set for growth

The efficiency gains and improved service delivery have positioned Asesoría ZPM for growth, opening the doors to an increased client base while providing elevated service to their existing clients and increasing retention rates.

I would encourage anyone who wants to move their documents to this application, to this platform, because it makes the work so much easier.

TaxDome is proud to have empowered Asesoría ZPM to deliver superior service to its clients, and we’ll continue to offer our support in fuelling the firm’s success and growth!

Find out how TaxDome can jumpstart growth for your tax, bookkeeping, or accounting firm by requesting a free demo today.

Jeff Nichols

Jeff is a content writer who works in the SaaS and B2B space, particularly in invoicing and accounting. He enjoys helping businesses make informed decisions that will assist them in growing and reaching their goals. As a writer at TaxDome, Jeff creates content that helps customers better understand the platform and stay informed about developments in the accounting industry.

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