Reporting: Introducing Saved Filters & Revamped UI 

Reporting: Introducing Saved Filters & Revamped UI
Written by Constantine Vasilakis
3 Min
Published on 18 02 2022

As announced earlier this year, we’re moving towards a robust reporting system that will allow you to detail your firm’s critical output, efficiency and revenue. Today we’re introducing the first bundle of improvements — revamped filters UI that enable you to easily extract and print selected data and create reusable filter templates that you can share with your team.

In future, we will equip you with unified, shareable reports that you can quickly create, print and compare to custom time periods. But first things first — let’s see what’s changed.

Saved Filters

Filters allow you to extract information you need from a variety of different areas in your firm: client accounts, invoices, time entries, Jobs, etc. Frequently, the information you need to find repeats. With saved filters (templates), you can now quickly generate complex filters and reuse them at will, saving time and establishing processes within your team.

You can now create filter templates in Inbox+, account lists, contact lists, jobs, tasks, invoices, payments & time entries


Revamped User Interface

Filters have moved to the right sidebar enabling you to narrow your search by multiple parameters to find exactly the information you need.

Additionally, filter behavior has been modified. A common complaint was that after clicking into an Account, Job, Invoice, the original search that got you there was erased and you had to start from scratch. Applied filters no longer reset automatically. Once a filter has been applied, it does not automatically reset by clicking ‘back’ or reloading the page. To remove the applied filter, click ‘reset’.

Printing & Exporting Reports

Once you’ve searched for the information you require, you can print the results & also export to CSV for additional analysis. The export will take into account the applied filter, so if you first filter your account list (10,000 clients) by pending e-signatures and receive 85 results, the export will contain only the 85 resulting accounts. 

You can print and export data from account lists, contact lists, jobs, tasks & time entries

Now let’s dive into several use cases to help you come up with some reports for your firm.

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Client management report examples

Client Accounts by team member access: Accounts > team member

Client Accounts by team member access-2

Client Accounts by tag/service type: Accounts > contains tag 

This report works if you add tags (1040, Bookkeeping, Payroll, 1120, etc) to Client Accounts.

Client Accounts by tag/service type

Pending e-signatures: Accounts > partially signed + pending signature

This report will return all client accounts who have outstanding e-signature requests, including those where one signer has signed but not all (example: one spouse signed, other is pending).

Pending e-signatures

Team management report examples

Total time worked by accountant last month: Time entries > Team member + dates 

This will generate a report for time entries logged within a specific time frame by that specific team member. If you export to CSV, you can see all time entries and respective data within them.

Total time worked by accountant last month

Total time worked by accountant last month for specific Client Account: Time entries > account + team member + dates

This report will generate all time entries for this team member but only for the Client Account in question.

Total time worked by accountant last month for specific Client Account

Total time worked by accountant last month for specific service: Time entries > team member + tag + dates

This report works if you add tags to client accounts.

Total time worked by accountant last month for specific service

Practice management report examples

Employee jobs within certain deadlines: Jobs > Assignee + due dates

In future, you will be able to replace absolute due dates with relative dates, e.g. this week, this month.

Employee jobs within certain deadlines

Overdue tasks: Tasks > overdue

Overdue tasks

Recurring job status: Jobs > account + dates

Search by Jobs due this month, which were created this month. 

Overdue tasks

Cash flow report examples

Unpaid receivables: Invoices > unpaid + overdue + dates + services (optional)

Invoices created in the past month that are unpaid and contain specific service in the invoice. ‘Overdue’ is a customizable setting in your firm (number of days).

Unpaid receivables

Payments by Client Account within time frame: Invoices > account + dates

Payments by Client Account within time frame

Cash flow by service: Invoices > dates + paid + service

Cash flow by service

Awaiting payment: Accounts > pipeline + stage ‘Retainer’ + stage ‘Invoice client’

If stages contain only invoicing automations.

Awaiting payment-1


Accounts > pipeline + invoices ‘Unpaid’ + invoices ‘Overdue’

If stages contain multiple automations.

Awaiting payment-2

This multi-step filter allows you to filter for Client Accounts which have a Job in a specific pipeline, at a certain step of the process. 

What’s next?

Filter templates will include relative dates: past 30 days, past 7 days, this/last week, this/last month, etc. to help you easily compare data to previous time periods.

In future, we plan on creating a unified area where you will be able to access all reports together along with a set of popular pre-built reports and template library.

Let us know what else you would like to see in the reporting system — fire off your suggestions into the Feature Request Board!

Constantine Vasilakis
Constantine Vasilakis

As a CPO, Constantine is responsible for TaxDome's constant improvement. His top priority is helping TaxDome users do their job more effectively and with less stress. He's passionate about collecting first-hand customer feedback and delivering the right features at the right time.

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