May 9 2024 /

Kompas Regnskab: cutting admin time by 50% with TaxDome

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Written by Josef Hynard
4 Min

Founded: 2023

Years experience: 40+

Staff: 5

Clients: 100+

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Services: accounting, payroll, financial advisory

Started using TaxDome: 2023


Meet Peter Skjerning, the director and owner of Kompas Regnskab, an accounting firm based in Denmark with 100+ clients all over the country, plus abroad.

Kompas Regnskab ApS provides accounting, payroll and advisory services, with a big focus on digitization to make bookkeeping and accounting efficient, accurate and accessible for its clients.

Peter and his firm — offering more than 40 years of experience collectively — have been using TaxDome for just under a year. It’s helped them streamline their processes and improve their client experience, and they’ve received nothing but positive client feedback in the process.

We talked with Peter to pick his brain on why Kompas Regnskab chose TaxDome after testing several systems — and how the switch quickly solved the firm’s problems.

Kompas Regnskab faced problems with previous software

A lack of team-wide task organization

Before using TaxDome, Peter and his team tried different accounting software, none of which fixed their biggest issue.

Our biggest issue before we started using TaxDome was definitely the fact that we often felt we lacked an overview of the repetitive tasks, the status of tasks and who was responsible for the tasks we have in-house.

The previous software that Kompas Regnskab used did not provide an organized overview of routine tasks or the ability to assign tasks and view task statuses. This made it difficult to track who was working on which task and which stage it was in.

As a firm focused on automation and digitization to improve team and client efficiency, this had the opposite effect and negatively impacted team organization and task completion.

Multiple systems for different processes, each with shortcomings

Another big problem that Peter and his team quickly ran into was finding accounting software that met all of the firm’s needs. 

We tested a number of Danish and international systems, all of which had clear shortcomings, in our opinion. In addition, we had to use other systems on the side — for example, for file exchange and pipeline management.

Kompas Regnskab had to manage and complete tasks across multiple systems — systems that were useful for one or several processes, but not everything the firm needed — which reduced efficiency across the board.

As Kompas Regnskab attracted more clients, this setup proved even more inefficient for Peter and his team.

Kompas Regnskab found an instant solution with TaxDome

Greater control of tasks and easy client communication

After scouting the market for practice management software that would serve the firm’s needs, Kompas Regnskab landed on TaxDome — and found that its workflows were the solution to the firm’s biggest issue.

With the ability to assign jobs to team members and easily view the status of all their tasks, Peter and his team gained better control of team-based task completion. Peter also found that TaxDome’s CRM — which has secure chat, document management and more — simplified communication and the exchange of information with their clients.

He commented, ‘We have better control of our tasks, and we can communicate easily and seamlessly and exchange sensitive personal information with our customers.’

Peter also commented on how easy it is to automate client onboarding with TaxDome: “It has worked flawlessly. And it has seemed very professional towards the customer. We no longer have to think about manual processes, and we have much more control over the internal procedures related to onboarding.”

As a result, Peter told us TaxDome helped his team cut time spent on administrative tasks.

We have approximately halved internal time for customer-facing communication and administration — and that simply means a much easier everyday life for us.

Further reading: how BHR Finans & Regnskap AS achieved the efficiency to grow by 9% in 12 months with TaxDome >>

One unified system that meets all the firm’s needs

In addition to gaining better control over manual routine tasks, Peter and his team also found TaxDome solved the problem of juggling multiple, insufficient software tools. 

Before the transition, we had a number of systems, which we have now replaced with one unified system: TaxDome.

TaxDome met all of Kompas Regnskab’s needs with its comprehensive features for accountants and accounting firms. And speaking on its features, Peter commented, “From the start, we have been very impressed with the built-in features, which are plug-and-play in the setup we already have.”

File exchange and workflow management were accounting processes that Peter and his firm previously carried out via separate systems, due to each software’s lack of comprehensive features. 

Now that they’re using TaxDome to streamline their workflows with pipelines, document management and more, Peter told us, “All those systems are now unnecessary, because all the features that we demand, they are in TaxDome. All the features we need in relation to day-to-day customer management and communication — it’s implicit in TaxDome.”

Further reading: how TaxDome helped Polaris Tax & Accounting achieve a post-acquisition expansion from a customer base of 50 to 1,500+ >>

Supportive onboarding to get set up quickly

Kompas Regnskab didn’t just find solutions to their prior issues by switching to TaxDome; Peter and his team found it easy to get set up with TaxDome’s implementation plan. 

We have always been well-supported by onboarding at TaxDome, and there is always a quick response to questions and ambiguities — something that is incredibly important in a startup process.

For Peter, the TaxDome Academy — our selection of free online courses for new and existing users — also served as an excellent complement to the guided implementation, as well as a go-to resource for learning more about TaxDome’s benefits. He commented, “In addition, the TaxDome Academy is absolutely invaluable to us in terms of understanding setups and many other things.”

Positive feedback from customers

The switch to TaxDome increased satisfaction for both Peter’s team and their clients. In particular, Peter noted clients’ favorable response to TaxDome’s user-friendly client portal and mobile app for iOS and Android:

We only get positive feedback from our customers in terms of the usability of both the customer portal and the customer app. It’s easy and effortless to navigate — and the tasks we send to the customer, they have an easy time solving them.

Watch: how TaxDome slashed client onboarding times for Athene Group — a firm with 1,700+ clients >>

The results: better control of tasks, easy client communication and a unified system

Peter Skjerning and his Denmark-based accounting firm have benefitted in numerous ways since switching to TaxDome last year. To summarize Peter’s words, his firm now has:

  • Better control of team-based tasks
  • Easy communication and file exchange with clients
  • A unified system for all of its accounting processes
  • An improved client experience — and positive client feedback

“Previously, we were very manual in our process management. We can get rid of that now.”

TaxDome’s Nordic country manager, Kalle Granlund, with (left to right) Emmelie Jørgensen, Peter Skjerning and Bo Hasforth of Kompas Regnskab.

Like Kompas Regnskab, your firm, whether big or small, can streamline processes, improve the client experience and save time with TaxDome’s powerful workflow automation, CRM, software integrations and more. 

To receive a free walkthrough of everything TaxDome can do for your firm, simply contact us for a personalized demo.

Josef Hynard

Josef is a content writer for TaxDome who enjoys creating clear, actionable content to inspire readers about TaxDome’s features and updates. When he’s not fitting words together, he likes to read books and work out.

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